This photo shoot is SO cute! I was so happy to meet Laura and Mike…

Family Photoshoot in Newcastle, Ontario
I am so excited to share this beautiful photoshoot I did of my aunt, uncle, cousins, their spouses, and children. Since the pandemic started, I haven’t seen my extended family and it was such a delight to get together for this photoshoot! It was the perfect day to photograph their family by the lake and picturesque marsh in Newcastle. I am so pleased with how these turned out. Being a natural-light photographer, I have mastered selecting areas with the perfect, flattering lighting for my subjects. I was so pleased with the hooded tree area I found near the lake. At one point during this shoot, a beautiful ray of sunlight beamed down beside my cousin Julia (dressed in white) on the left side of the photo. I couldn’t help but think of this beam of light as my beloved grandparents who passed away. Julia is the eldest cousin on my mom’s side of the family. She had the pleasure to live with my grandparents for a little while I believe. I know my Nana (grandma) is close to her always. This thought actually came to my mind right away, and instead of veering away from this beam of light, I embraced it. It was meant to be there. My grandparents were the sweetest people. Our family always likes to reminisce about the cute things they did. I will always remember having oranges and oatmeal in the mornings with them on their dining room table in Willowdale in front of the window covered in long, neutral-colored drapes. I used to have this stuffed animal mouse that my parents got me when I got my ears pierced. And the tail of the mouse used to fall off and my papa (grandpa) would always fix it for me over and over again and never lost patience. We are all bound by the love my grandparents had for our family. And the love continues to grow and expand through great-grandchildren!
I loved meeting Jaclyn’s and Tim’s newest daughter, Olivia. I hadn’t seen her before and both girls are so incredibly cute. I can understand why people want to pinch children’s cheeks lol. I certainly wanted to squeeze them, they were so cute. The voices of little kids are so adorable. Honestly, even if kids don’t look at the camera and smile, any photo of them at a young age captures their personality. Little Olivia and Alina were just adorable in every way. So looking, or not looking, smiling or not smiling, the photos of kids are perfect just as they are. My cousin Julia and her husband Tom’s kids are SO sweet as well. I couldn’t believe how much they have grown since I’ve seen them last. Charlotte, my cousin Julia and Tom’s daughter is so polite and helpful. Luke is sweet and has such character. He makes faces like my brother did in photos and it made me laugh. They are truly beautiful children inside and out.
This shoot was so refreshing because it was close to my heart and I wanted to make sure I got little group photos of each family, alongside bigger group shots. I must also mention, they did an awesome job at picking out outfits! I’m so glad they like the photos! I hope you enjoy them!